Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Piter FM

I felt like we were on a hot streak with the movie choices lately. Unfortunately, that streak ended today with Piter FM. I felt like I was watching a cheap, foreign attempt at an American chick flick. The plot was very dry and nothing really happened throughout the whole movie. It was basically about two people who broke up with the people they were currently with so they could date each other, that's it. When I say that's all that happened, I really mean that. There wasn't a side plot or anything else that spiced up the main plot. That is the reason why this film was boring to me.

Despite the uninteresting plot, I felt the movie had a lot of great shots featuring St. Petersburg. This is the only part of the movie that actually kept my attention. After watching, "Brother,"it was fun to compare St. Petersburg in this film to the early 90s. One aspect I noticed was the city in Piter FM seemed livelier than in Brother. This is understandable due to the high crime rate in the 90s. I wouldn't want to roam the streets during that time period without a means of protection on me.

Another aspect about the city in the film that was different in "Brother" was that it seemed more populated and had an increase in technology. I know this it is a no brainer that the technology has enhanced in 15 years, but there is a correlation to this and the population increase. When technology advances, crime tends to decrease, thus increasing the population in areas that were previously designated as dangerous.

Overall, the movie was fair in my book. The most interesting "character" in my opinion was the city itself. It came to life in this movie with all of its busy activity. Hopefully, the movie tomorrow will have a more active plot.

1 comment:

  1. The shots of St. Petersburg are what kept me interested in the film, to be honest. I also thought the plot lacked a lot of depth. I feel like this film would have been a lot better if more humor was involved because the plot and characters just weren't enough.
